Blossoming Bouquet Pink
This large Blossoming bouquet contains an assortment of essential baby clothing for the new baby all wrapped into flower buds, making a unique and practical gift for the new mum and baby.
The blossoming bouquet includes all the essentials for a new born including bodysuit, sleepsuit, pants, singlets, bib, socks and beanie
in a mixture of pastel and bright pink tones, perfect for a newborn little girl up to 6 months. As an extra feature, this bouquet includes the Babybuds unique “Message Leaves” with lovely messages, as an added sweet surprise for the new parents.
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What’s in the bouquet: 1 Beanie Marshmallow, 1 Bib Berry, 1 Bodysuit Berry, 1 Bodysuit Marshmallow, 1 Jumpsuit Marshmallow, 1 Oscar, 1 Pant Berry, 1 Singlet Berry, 1 Singlet Marshmallow, 1 Socks Berry, 1 Socks marshmallow, Love